COMPANY DE-REGISTRATION is the Company voluntary cancel a limited company from the register in Companies Registry, the following normal conditions are required:

  • The company has no outstanding liablities;
  • The company has disposed all of its saleable assets, for example: property, stock and securities etc;
  • All shareholders agreed to de-register the company ;
  • The company has never commenced business, or the company ceased to carry on business for more than 3 months immediately before the application;
  • The company has no tax returns outstanding, unanswered enquires from IRD, nor any taxes payable;
  • The company has no intention to object any tax assessment issued from IRD;
  • If the company is fullfiling all the above conditions, it could adopt a simplied procedure to de-register the company in 5 to 6 months time. The following are normal government charges for de-registration:
  • Companies Registry fee: HK$420, IRD fee: HK$270 (year 2014 updated);

Our services:

  • Assisting the clients to obtain from IRD the "Letter of No Objection to a Company being Deregistered",
  • Assistance in the deregistration application with the Companies Registry,
  • Assistance in the cancellation application of business registration with the IRD,

COMPANY LIQUIDAITON, the following conditions are required:

For limited company to proceed voluntary liquidation, it must obtain at least 75% shareholders agreed, or for compulsory liqudiation by court order, the company is unable to repay the debts and creditors petition to the court forced the company to wind up, the creditors will be unable to obtain settlement of their debt after liquidation.

The voluntory and compulsory liquidation are complicated law process which require 1 to 2 years to complete.

The other reasons for liquidation: To rescue companies in financial crisis, and Debts & corporate restructuring.


公司註銷是取消一間有限公司在政府的註冊, 一般需要以下條件:

  • 公司全部外債己清還;
  • 公司所有資產已變賣;
  • 公司所有股東同意註銷公司;
  • 公司從未運作或已停業3個月以上;
  • 已清繳所有稅款或法庭費用(如有);
  • 已回覆稅局的信及提交所有報稅表(如有);
  • 公司沒有反對或上訢稅局的評稅.

如符合上述條件, 可以以簡易程序在5至6個月內註銷公司, 一般政府收費如下:

*** 公司註冊處收費: HK$420, 稅局收費: HK$270 (資料: 2014年更新)

本公司服務包括: 協助取得稅務局的“不反對撤銷註冊通知書”, 協助向公司註冊處申請撤銷註冊, 協助向稅局撤銷商業登記等.

公司清盤, 一般需要以下條件:

  • 有限公司清盤可分為自動清盤或強逼清盤, 自動清盤一般需要四份三或以上的股東同意, 強逼清盤一般是指債務人上訴到法庭的強制清盤, 債務人在公司清盤後不得向公司追討債項.
  • 自動清盤或法庭強制清盤都是需要比較繁複的法律程序, 需時若1至2年.
  • 公司清盤的其他原因, 可以為協助拯救本身有財務危機的公司, 或業務或債務重組.