We are providing services for the incorporation of different type of companies, details are shown below:

  • Incorporation of Hong Kong limited company;
  • Incorporation of unlimited companies, these inlude sole propriotorhship and partnership;
  • Incorporation of non-profit making organisations: charitable organisation, kindergarten, primary and secondary school, society and association etc ;
  • Incorporation of off-shore companies: British Virgin Islands (BVI) Company, Cayman Islands Company, Bermuda Company, Singapore Company, Mauritius Company etc

Fee for incorporation of Hong Kong limited company (HK$4,680 inclusive government charges & kit)

  • Government charges: CR fee: HK$1,720, business registration fee: HK$2,250 (year 2014 updated);
  • Company kit (HK$400): including minutes book, share certificates, 2 company chops, 1 steel seal chop, 20 pieces company articles of association;
  • Assisting in the opening of bank account;
  • Providing business registration address: HK$1,000(per year), HK$80(per month)-- depending on whether customer required this service
  • Company Secretary: HK$600(per year) -- depending on whether customer required this service.



  • 成立香港有限責任公司;
  • 成立香港無限責任公司, 可分為獨資或合夥公司;
  • 成立香港非牟利機構: 慈善機構, 幼稚園, 中小學, 協會或社團等;
  • 成立離岸公司: 英屬處女島(BVI)公司, 開曼公司, 新加坡公司, 毛里求斯公司, 百慕達公司等.

成立香港有限公司費用 (HK$4,680 包政府費用及綠盒套裝):

  • 政府收費: 公司註冊處收費: HK$1,720, 商業登記費: HK$2,250 (2014年更新)
  • 綠盒套裝 (HK$400): 包會議記錄薄一本, 股票冊, 公司印章2個, 公司章程20本
  • 協助開銀行戶口

商業登記地址服務: HK$1,000(每年), HK$80 (每月) -- 如貴客戶需要此服務

公司秘書服務: HK$600(每年) -- 如貴客戶需要此服務