We have senior professional staff with at least 18 years experiences in the field of audit, accounting and taxation, and has worked in various CPA firm with international and local style ranging from big size firm, medium size firm to small size firm. Our senior staff is a member of HKICPA and ACCA and had graduated from University.

Our senior professional staff have provided accounting, taxation services in the following industries: Electronic, garment and textile manufacturin and logistics industries, Retail and wholesales, Tea trading, Solicitors, Doctors, Investigation, Insurance brokers, Securities brokers, Property agency, Property investments, Import and export trading, Kindergarten, Primary School, non-profit making associations, Church, Information technology company, Incorporag, Packing industries, various type of trading company, Transportationted Owners etc.

The followings are some more served industries in details: Toys industries, Clock and watches industries, Computer and electrical appliances industries, Decoration, Farm industries, Restaurant, Household products, Food industries, Wine industries, Printing and stationary company, Books and magazine publishing companies, Leather industries, Shoes industries, others catering companies, Mainland China factories establised by foreign investments etc., many other industries which cannot be fully expressed.



我司擁有資深的專業團隊, 他/她最少擁有18年相關核數,會計理賬及稅務的經驗, 分別於各大,中,小會計師事務所工作, 可為專業及經驗豐富。

我司擁有資深的專業團隊, 他/她是香港會計師公會(HKICPA)的註冊會計師, 而且是英國特許公認會計師公會的資深會計師(FCCA)。他/她都是於香港的大學會計系畢業的。

我司擁有資深的專業團隊, 他/她曾經處理及提供會計服務, 稅務服務有以下各行各業, 希望及誠意為閣下服務: 電子及成衣紡織製造業, 包裝業, 各類型的貿易業, 運輸及物流業, 零售及批發業, 荼商, 律師, 醫生, 私家偵探, 保險業, 證券經記, 地產經記, 物業投資, 出入口業, 幼稚園, 小學, 協會或社團, 教會, 資訊科技業, 業主立案法團等。明細行業範疇包括: 玩具業, 鐘錶業, 珠寶業, 電腦及電器, 裝修, 農業, 餐廳, 家具產品, 食品業, 酒業, 文具, 書刊出版社, 皮革業, 鞋業, 其他護理及服務業, 到中國內地設廠的外資廠家等, 種類繁多,不能盡錄。